Author: Dayle Laing
Is a Bike Helmet worth it?
Bike Helmet Research and Brain Injuries: It is Ontario law that every cyclist under the age of 18 must wear an approved bicycle helmet. Parents or guardians shall not knowingly permit cyclists under 16 to ride without a helmet. (HTA 104 – Helmets) Helmets must be fastened with chin straps. There currently is a fine of $60.00 under…
Dedicated Bike Lanes & Drop Curbs
Cyclists call for dedicated bike lanes and more drop curbs reported by Pam Douglas in The Brampton Guardian on July 5, 2014. “Changes are needed to make Brampton bike-friendly.” dedicated bike lane, courtesy of The Brampton Guardian “Curb cuts. They seem like such a small thing. But if you’ve ever ridden a bike along one…
Bike the Creek Brampton Success
Bike the Creek Brampton was a success with hundreds of riders participating on June 21, 2014 Our first annual event was a perfect day of bike riding along the Etobicoke Creek Trail through the nature parks north into Caledon and south through the historic downtown of Brampton into the urban parks of south Brampton. Registered participants…
Pedal Power Equals Economic Prosperity
“Local merchants consistently underestimate value of cyclists versus auto and parking spaces”
BikeFest CeleBrampton 2014
Cycling has come of age as Brampton crowds swarm Brampton Bicycle Advisory Committee Bike Fest Celebrampton booth along Main Street. Residents gathered at BBAC booth to hear our committee volunteers explain cycling safety tips to the youth and adults of Brampton. Bicycle Safety Tips for serious commuters and recreational cyclists Mascot Oakley draws crowds for cycling tips…
Bike to Work Day 2014
Bike Month in June kicked off with a cycling breakfast crowd in Brampton downtown’s Garden Square, as Bramptonians biked to work on a perfect spring day. Brampton Garden Square at dawn Brampton Bicycle Advisory Committee had six of our volunteers staff a booth to encourage safe cycling in Brampton and to highlight our Bike the…
People do not like to live in a spiceless city – Gil Penalosa
“People do not like to live in a spiceless city.” These were the words of renowned urban expert and visionary Gil Penalosa, Executive Director of 8-80 Cities, when he spoke at the Rose Theatre in Brampton on April 23, 2014. Rose Theatre ‘bike-bedecked’ The most important ingredient in this city ‘dish’ is pedestrians, added…
Cycling is our Future Rotary Presentation
Cycling is our future, was the message of BBAC Chair David Laing when he presented to Rotary Brampton on April 28, 2014. He was well received with a message about how cycling can solve many of the issues we face in Brampton. Cycling infrastructure can lower the traffic demands on the roads, improve our health through better air…
Gridlock is Costing Brampton Millions in Lost Productivity
The Brampton Guardian editorial on May 1, 2014 pulled no punches with its title “Editorial: Road Kill”. Our suburban planning model of the past is so seriously flawed “that it’s now costing taxpayers millions — and will eventually drive this city into debt”. Municipal planners now speak about “density, walkability and public transit” instead of…
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