Author: David Laing
Cycling Safety – A Kids Parachute Event
Parachute is a not-for-profit agency advocating to reduce predictable and preventable injuries resulting from motor vehicle collisions, sports and recreation activities and seniors’ falls. This past May 27th, Century Gardens Recreation Centre hosted, “Buckle, Buckle, Buckle”, an Awareness Safe Kids Launch Event with Parachute. BikeBrampton was invited to provide programs and information on cycling safety.
2016 Brampton Rotary Rib n Roll
What better way to kick-off Bike Month than to join in the fun at Brampton Rotary’s Rib ‘n Roll! Members of BikeBrampton staffed the booth at this year’s popular event on Family Day, Sunday May 29th.
Bike to School Week GTHA Experience
Hundreds of schools from across Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area participated in Bike to School week organized by Events Subcommittee of Active and Sustainable School Transportation (ASST) Regional Hub of Metrolinx. The subcommittee is comprised of staff from Metrolinx and its program Smart Commute, school boards, Public Health units, municipal Transportation Services departments, and non-governmental organizations.
Bramalea CycleFest 2015 Success
Bramalea CycleFest 2015 was a success story in its first year. Cyclefest Day Jun 27th and we are back at All Peoples Church bright and early for set up and kids bike distribution. Pastor Finu is handing out the volunteer T-shirts. Everyone has a job to do, tables set, banners hung, tents up, post-event bike valet…
Bramalea CycleFest Kids Bike Giveaway
Bramalea CycleFest Kids Bike Giveaway to 65 kids It’s two days to Bramalea CycleFest 2015 and it’s time for the kids bike giveaway! A sea of donated bikes inside All Peoples Church starts our evening. More than half of the bikes were donated by Jennifer and Robert who also arranged for their friends and neighbours to help clean and…
Bramalea CycleFest Kids Helmet Giveaway
Bramalea CycleFest Kids Helmet Giveaway for 60 local youth It’s five days until Bramalea CycleFest 2015 and it’s time for the kids helmet giveaway evening! The van is crammed with about a dozen bikes from Brampton Safe City and the Peel Safety Village. We are taking them to the All People’s Church. This is the fourth time this…
Ontario Bike Summit 2015
Ontario Bike Summit 2015 hosted by Share the Road Cycling Coalition was the largest ever with 215 registered delegates at the Eaton Chelsea Hotel inToronto. The event kicked off on March 31st with a Bicycle Friendly Communities Workshop. Six communities achieved BFC status since last year’s summit, bringing the total to 28. Several existing BFC communities applied for…
Greenbelt Route Leaders Mobile Workshop
BikeBrampton leaders were invited to participate in the Greenbelt Route workshop, on May 7, 2014, which encompassed seminars and 86km of biking from Georgetown to Newmarket, Ontario. The day began early with a presentation by Marlaine Koehler, Executive Director of the Waterfront Regeneration Trust. The workshop created an opportunity to network with other cycling groups, including Jean-François Pronovost,…
It’s Your Move Video by Dr David Mowat
Active Transportation is key. It’s Your Move, a powerful one minute video by Dr. David Mowat, Peel Medical Officer of Health is well worth the viewing. Sponsored by TCAT, the Toronto Centre for Active Transportation and Metrolinx, Dr. Mowat explains that urban planning is a health issue. He says we have engineered physical activity out…
Active Lifestyles & Reengineered Cities for Brampton’s Future
Medical Officer of Health Dr. David Mowat is quoted by Peter Criscione in the Brampton Guardian’s article “Our Future depends on Active Lifestyles and Reengineered Cities, says Public Health Official”. Dr. Mowat is pushing for active transportation to support improved walking and cycling municipal infrastructure to reengineer physical activity back into our everyday lives. He says…
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