Category: Brampton Cycling
COVID19 Bike Lane Tips
Here are handy tips for using Brampton COVID-19 bike lanes. These are good safety messages for cycling in traffic! This video shows how to safely enter and exit the bike lanes from intersections and adjacent pathways.
Cycling Chronicles Vol 1
BikeBrampton is honoured to present the Cycling Chronicles, a short story by Steve Stoller. It was always the second question. For years it was always the second question. The first question, when someone found out I was a cycling enthusiast, always revolved around my bike, and inevitably, how much it cost. I would tell them…
COVID19 Bike Network Map
Brampton’s new COVID-19 bike network interactive map shows loops for planning essential grocery, pharmacy and medical trips from the interim bike lanes along Vodden Street and Howden Boulevard.
COVID19 Interim Bike Lanes
To help protect the health and safety of residents during the COVID-19 pandemic, City of Brampton is implementing interim bike lanes along the Vodden Street corridor. These routes will provide an alternative cycling option to recreational trails for residents, and allow cyclists to maintain physical distancing.
Your BikeBrampton friends are working with Mayor Patrick Brown, Regional Councillor Rowena Santos and City Staff on solutions for healthy safe active transportation during this pandemic. Some of us need to go out to work. Those not in isolation, need to get out for groceries, medicine, and exercise and need guidance on COVID-19.
Cycling in COVID-19 times
We are looking for clear direction and the nature of this pandemic is such that rules keep changing. Peel Public Health and our municipal governments are the constant for reliable advice for our local community. COVID-19 effect on Community Cycling Program (CCP) While we adjust to the “new normal” for cycling in COVID-19 times, we…
Bike the Creek Registration Open
Bike the Creek June 13, 2020 our 7th annual signature cycling event has been cancelled. Due to precautionary measures surrounding COVID-19, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), City of Brampton, City of Mississauga, Town of Caledon, Region of Peel and BikeBrampton have made the collective decision to cancel the 2020 Bike the Creek event scheduled…
Brampton ATMP
The Active Transportation Master Plan was endorsed by City of Brampton on Sept 25, 2019. The City’s first ever Active Transportation Master Plan provides the network plan, policies and programs to support Brampton’s 2040 Vision for a mosaic of safe, integrated transportation choices and new modes, contributions to civic sustainability, and emphasizing walking, cycling, and…
EcoAction – Brampton Bike Hub
It is fitting that on the day of the climate strike, BikeBrampton is reporting the results from our Environment Canada EcoAction grant to the Brampton Bike Hub. Partnering with Canada Bikes, PCHS, Walk+Roll Peel and City of Brampton, BikeBrampton has been delivering the BikeWrx and Pedalwise programs from the Brampton Bike Hubs, and more recently…
BikeBrampton members going to Greg’s Ride
This Fall, a group of us from BikeBrampton will be participating in Greg’s Ride on Sunday, September 22. We’ll be cycling from Brampton to Hamilton on Saturday, riding in Greg’s Ride on Sunday, then cycling home Monday. BikeBrampton’s participation in this annual event has grown from one rider in 2013 to our larger team of…
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