Cyclists and pedestrians must safely share the trail. Here are tips for user comfort.
City of Brampton has prepared these tips. “Brampton is a HEALTHY and SAFE city”.
- Pass to the left
- Keep speed low
- Be careful around children and groups
- Be courteous
- Ring bell or yell
- Do not block the path
- Watch for other users
- Stay to the right of the path
- Dogs must be on a leash

Ring your bell or call out
It’s the law in Ontario to have a bell or horn!
Slow down and ring the bell well in advance of pedestrians so they have time to move to the right of the path. If they don’t appear to hear, ring it again and call out “passing on your left”. You don’t want people startled or to jump out in front of the bike.
Our trails meander through ravines with ‘blind’ corners. If you can’t see around the bend, ring your bell to warn pedestrians you are coming.
If you don’t have a bell, check out Brampton Bike Hub or Caledon Bike Hub for information on our BikeWrx Pop-up Café schedule (as per COVID-19 restrictions). A limited number of FREE bells will be available, compliments of Region of Peel Walk and Roll.
Watch your Speed
Recreational Trail speeds in Brampton are 8 km/hr!
If you are an experienced cyclist, you need to ride very slowly on the trails.
If you want to cycle faster, select a road to your comfort level. Brampton has roads with lower volumes of traffic and many new bike lanes. Check your route on Google maps to select a route to your liking. Check Brampton Trail Maps and Bike Routes.
If you are a newer or less confident cyclist, consider registering for our FREE Pedalwise program.
Pedestrians have the Right of Way
You must slow down and yield to pedestrians. They are the most vulnerable trail and road users.
No Littering!
Deposit your waste in the City’s garbage cans along the trail. If your waste is recyclable, do the right thing by taking it home to your own recycling bin. Let’s keep Brampton green and clean!
Other Useful Cycling Safety Tips

BikeBrampton members display City of Brampton’s Trail User Safety poster at BikeWrx Pop-up Café in Chinguacousy Park, 2020.
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