City of Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown and Council delivered a Proclamation that “June is Bike Month” this past week. BikeBrampton was honoured to receive the proclamation on behalf of the cycling community. Bike Month kicks off May 27th with Bike to Work Day. We cycle to Garden Square for 7:30 breakfast to celebrate Bike to Work Day.

Brampton Community Rides
Brampton Cycling Advisory Committee and BikeBrampton volunteers lead 14 FREE guided Community Rides from May 26 to Sept 22nd. Your choice of 5km or 15km routes as you discover your city and have a free snack at the end, complements of Brampton!

Our first Community Ride this morning from Garden Square!
Bike to School Week – May 27th-31st

BikeBrampton is presenting cycling safety in assemblies, holding workshops at 10 different schools in Brampton. Region of Peel has surpassed their target with 188 schools registered!
Bramalea CycleFest – Jun 1st

BikeBrampton is pleased to help All People’s Church with their 5th annual Bramalea CycleFest, benefiting the Salvation Army Youth Shelter. BikeBrampton volunteers are leading 3, 6, and 12km routes.
TRCA Guided Bike Tours
Check out 3 Friday evening rides in June to cycle at Clairville Conservation Area, Chinguacousy Park and Rosalea Park. Registration FREE link

Bike the Creek – Jun 22nd

You cannot afford to miss our signature cycling event, Bike the Creek. Our 6th annual event is now Region of Peel-wide with partners TRCA, Brampton, Caledon, Mississauga and BikeBrampton. Register for one of the 4 FREE routes and do check out the details! Register by Jun 14th to ensure your free lunch, complements of Region of Peel.
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