Loafers Lake Community Picnic

A Community Picnic was held at Loafers Lake on October 25, 2014

Organized by the City of Brampton to show support for residents of Heart Lake, hard hit by the ice storm last winter, tree planting was organized.

Polly & David, BBAC booth

Brampton Bicycle Advisory Committee was invited to attend. We shared our booth with Community CarShare and Sierra Club Peel Chapter.

David & mascot Oakley, bike trailer

our booth & mascot Oakley even arrived by bicycle!

engaging residents at picnic

Heart Lake residents were engaged about cycling safety, paths, safe & active routes to schools, and bicycle commuting.

Brampton Kids on Bikes collage

Several parents expressed interest in having their opinions made at one of our Brampton Kids on Bikes focus groups.

Polly, Dayle setting up booth

setting up the booth

Loafers Lake tree planting

residents happily planting trees at Loafers Lake

Thanks City of Brampton for inviting us to participate in this fun day!

