See highlights of Bike the Creek 2024 and pedal down memory lane as we celebrated the 10th anniversary of Bike the Creek, Region of Peel’s signature cycling event. Partners Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, City of Brampton, Town of Caledon, City of Mississauga and BikeBrampton collaborated to provide a free fun family event on June 8, 2024. More than 1,800 riders registered! The videos celebrate all the volunteers, staff, sponsors, riders, and politicians who have made this happen over the last 10 years!
Highlights from this year
To accommodate 1,800 registered, we started checking in 70km riders at 6:30am, with the last of 5km riders starting to go off at 10:00am. Folks selected from 5, 15, 25, 66 and 70 km lengths from Jim Archdekin, ranging from Streetsville in the south to central Caledon.

Early bird 70km Regional riders listened to the first Rider Safety Briefing.

Roland, Brampton Emergency Management, and Caledon volunteer Wayne sent off the riders in small groups to stagger their starts.

A banana for the road, electrolytes to fuel the long ride, from Brampton Recreation booth.

Tandem riders on the 70km Regional ride. Perfect weather for the day.

Caledon Town 66km riders were up next and ready for their briefing.

Deputy-Premier, Minister of Health, Dufferin Caledon MPP Sylvia Jones, welcomed everyone to Bike the Creek, before her dignitary ride.

Brampton South MP Sonia Sidhu, borrowed a bicycle from Brampton Bike Hub Manager Sonia Maset, for her dignitary ride with David and Dayle. Photo courtesy of Sonia Sidhu.

Dignitaries gathered at event start: Caledon Councillors Cosimo Napoli, Mario Russo, Dayle from BikeBrampton, Brampton-North MP Ruby Sahota, David from BikeBrampton, Brampton Councillors Michael Palleschi, Navjit Kaur Brar.

Dignitary ride led by David and swept by Steve. Photo courtesy of Steve L. We followed stencils, and signs fastened with zip-ties thanks to sponsor Bolts Plus Bolton.

Dignitary ride led by Wayne, marshalled and swept by Dayle and Lisa. Wayne, Caledon volunteer; Marlaine Koehler, Executive Director Waterfront Regeneration Trust; Vice-Chair TRCA, Uxbridge Mayor Dave Barton; Deputy-Premier Sylvia Jones; Photo courtesy of Lisa Stokes.

Caledon volunteer Wayne and Deputy-Premier Sylvia Jones cycled up Old Kennedy Road.

Dignitary ride stopped at Caledon Southfields pavilion.

Caledon Southfields pavilion packed with riders. Fresh doughnuts from sponsor Downey’s Farm were a huge hit. Butter & Cup Cafe also donated some tasty treats.

We know why riders stopped at Caledon’s Heritage Pavilion in Inglewood. Three reasons…

One was for the Caledon Tourism’s ice cream bicycle cart! The second was for Foodland Caledon East’s bananas.

The third reason was to see and hear all about Caledon’s wonderfully rich heritage from the volunteers at Heritage Caledon.

Caledon AT’s Sabrina, Deputy-Premier Jones and volunteer Wayne showed off Bike the Creek sponsor poster. Caledon Hills Cycling made a donation. It’s their busy time of year, so they stayed in their Inglewood store to look after clients.

We welcomed lawyer Hisham Imtiaz and Dalia from The Biking Lawyer to display at Bike the Creek. Their crash cards are an important wallet addition for cyclists. The legal team ride bikes, understand the challenges, and advocate towards systemic changes that make our communities inclusive, safe and vibrant.

William Osler Health System brought their booth to educate riders about diabetes and the role that sugar and activity plays.

BikeBrampton / Different Spokes educated cyclists and operated the bike valet. Brampton Bike Hub Manager Sonia brought a team of 19 volunteers and staff this year to manage the huge demand for secure parking and pumping tires.

Parveen from Different Spokes, shows off the hundreds of bicycles that were securely parked in the bike valet!

CCET, the Centre for Community Energy Transformation informed riders about assisting residents and businesses with the tools, education and resources for energy-saving installations and retrofits throughout the Region of Peel.
Peel and Dufferin’s upcoming historic railway transformation to an active transportation corridor rail trail. An important tourism draw, this corridor will be used for recreation and commuting between our urban communities, connecting to other trails and network roads along the way. In keeping with our BtC 2024 theme of cycling through history, the video takes us on a historic rail trip from the Streetsville station, past Meadowvale, Brampton, Snelgrove, Cheltenham, Inglewood, Forks of Credit, Cataract, Melville to Orangeville.

Brampton, Caledon, Orangeville and Mississauga shared a booth for explaining the rail-to-trail transformation, show the map, answer and ask questions. Videos were on display. For links to the videos and more historical background, check out OBRY at Bike the Creek.

Deputy-Premier Jones met with staff from Brampton, Caledon and Orangeville to hear their progress on the OBRY project.

Jeremy and his team educated riders about TRCA’s Etobicoke Creek watershed and the mammals who call it home.

People were able to touch skulls and pelts as they learned nature facts. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

TRCA, one of our valued partners also provided snacks and information.

Brampton Recreation brought their Ready Set Play truck for games for the kids. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

For Region of Peel’s 50th anniversary, they prepared posters to illustrate Peel’s cycling through history connection to this year’s Bike the Creek theme.

“Ride a Bike. Discover your City”, with Brampton’s Active Transportation Planning team. Sign up for the free 5 or 15km Community Rides led by volunteers of the Active Transportation Advisory Committee and BikeBrampton.

City of Brampton Transportation Planning leadership team – Nelson and Fernanda

Brampton Grow Green (Environmental Planning) booth displayed the Loafer’s Lake Habitat Restoration Project, now underway from Loafer’s Lake north into Conservation Drive Park. This will restore turtle habitat and mitigate flooding potential of the Etobicoke Creek. Brampton Stormwater Asset Management displayed their plan to reduce stormwater drainage, reduce retrofit costs and predict future costs.

Brampton Community Safety & Well-being office displayed their vision to empower and connect Brampton residents, where everyone feels safe, has a sense of belonging, and has their needs met. This program includes Nurturing Neighbourhoods, and Litter Reduction Initiatives.

Bike the Creek is a zero-waste event. The volunteers from Sierra Club Peel hosted the waste pavilion, where riders were directed how to sort their waste into the appropriate bins. Region of Peel collects the bins on Monday and reports back the number of kilograms diverted from landfill.

Lunch was served to the hungry riders by BBQ Gourmet. The majority of the lunch expense was sponsored by Region of Peel. As usual, the meal was delicious!

Lunch line up moved quickly and efficiently thanks to the caterer and Brampton volunteers. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Riders enjoyed the lunch after the rides. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Caledon Tourism’s Emily, displayed the tasty burger. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Prize draw winner. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Brampton Master of Ceremonies, Gage Board welcomed the riders to the Finale Program of Bike the Creek. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Director of Legislative and Property Services, Kathryn Lockyer brought greetings from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Commissioner of Community Services Catherine McLean, brought greetings on behalf of Town of Caledon.

Brampton Councillor Michael Palleschi brought greetings from City of Brampton. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Brampton Councillor Navjit Kaur Brar brought greetings from City of Brampton. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

David Laing, President of BikeBrampton thanked the BtC organizing committee, volunteers, riders, partners, staff and sponsors. He challenged everyone to expand their cycling to include a trip for an errand, some groceries, a visit to friends. Any small trip that replaces a car trip helps the planet. Every little bit that we do collectively helps. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Councillor Palleschi, Dayle, David, Councillor Brar thanked Barry Lavallée for his creative and thoughtful Bike the Creek anthems. Cheers to everyone in attendance! Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

George and David shared a post-ride chat. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Multi-generational family team. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Bike the Creek repeat-riding family. (We know from the t-shirts!) Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Bike the Creek selfie. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Bike the Creek team of riders. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

Sonia Maset, Brampton Bike Hub Manager, as people reclaimed their checked bicycles to return home. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography

From 150 riders the first year, Bike the Creek has grown to more than 1,700. Photo courtesy of Brampton: Herman Custodio Photography
A special thank you to Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown and Councillor Rowena Santos. They were away in Calgary on Federation of Canadian Municipalities business and could not join us this year. Before they went, they organized and participated in the promotional video celebrating Bike the Creek’s 10th anniversary.
Thanks to everyone. See you next year!
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