Brampton Recreation is offering spring Bike Basics courses for kids 6-14 years old.

Whether your child is learning to ride a bike or wants to sharpen their skills, Bike Basics will get them riding with more confidence. In this 2-hour workshop, participants will learn about proper bike fit, safety equipment, street signs, signaling, stopping and how to ride.

Required Bike Equipment:

Bike in good working order, a bike bell, and a certified bike helmet.

Ontario MTO accepts any bike helmet safety sticker meeting the approval of safety organizations such the the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), Snell, ANSI, ASTM, BSI, CPSC and SAA.

Brampton Bike Basics 2024

MTO approved bike helmet certification stickers:

  • 1. Canadian Standards Association CAN/CSA D113.2-M89 (Cycling Helmets).
  • 2. Snell Memorial Foundation B-95 (1995 Standard for Protective Headgear for Use with Bicycles).
  • 3. Snell Memorial Foundation B-90 (1990 Standard for Protective Headgear for Use in Bicycling).
  • 4. Snell Memorial Foundation B-90S (1994 Supplementary Standard for Protective Headgear for Use with Bicycles).
  • 5. American National Standards Institute ANSI Z90.4-1984 (American National Standard for Protective Headgear for Bicyclists).
  • 6. American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM F1447-94 (Standard Specification for Protective Headgear Used in Bicycling).
  • 7. British Standards Institute BS 6863:1989 (British Standard Specification for Pedal Cyclists’ Helmets).
  • 8. Standards Association of Australia AS 2063.2-1990 (Part 2: Helmets for Pedal Cyclists).
  • 9. Snell Memorial Foundation N-94 (1994 Standard for Protective Headgear: for Use in Non-Motorized Sports).
  • 10. United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) 16 CFR Part 1203 Safety Standards for Bicycle Helmets. O. Reg. 411/95, s. 1; O. Reg. 38/03, s. 1 (1).

