It is fitting that on the day of the climate strike, BikeBrampton is reporting the results from our Environment Canada EcoAction grant to the Brampton Bike Hub.
Partnering with Canada Bikes, PCHS, Walk+Roll Peel and City of Brampton, BikeBrampton has been delivering the BikeWrx and Pedalwise programs from the Brampton Bike Hubs, and more recently Caledon Bike Hubs since December 2017.
EcoAction Quick Fact Results:
- 95,000 km cycled by participants
- 30,000 kg of carbon avoided
- more than 1400 participant-visits to the hubs
- average of 60 participants / month
- more than 20 bikes out on loan from lending library
- 36 new Pedalwise proteges since April
- 55% of proteges are female
- 70% of proteges are immigrants living in Canada less than 5 years
- We have met all the set targets
- We have stories of how the bike hub and community interaction has changed people’s lives — both the proteges and the mentors!
The Brampton and Caledon Bike Hubs live on, thanks to the generosity of our partners: Region of Peel, PCHS, Town of Caledon, Caledon Community Services, The Journey Neighbourhood Centre, and City of Brampton. We could not do this without the commitment of our excellent bike mechanics: Gerald, Peter and Joe.
We have been able to track our EcoAction success thanks to the data collected and analyzed by The Bikeport by Kevin Montgomery. Both Kevin and Alina, who are CAN-BIKE instructors have taught participants how to cycle.
Our mentors have volunteered hundreds of hours to make their proteges feel safe and confident as they build their skills.
If you haven’t already, check out the Brampton Bike Hub and the Caledon Bike Hub. You will be warmly welcomed!

Environment and Climate Change Canada
Environment and Climate Change Canada created EcoAction Community Funding Program to fund projects across Canada to encourage Canadians to take action to address clean air, clean water, climate change and nature issues, and to build the capacity of communities to sustain these activities into the future.
A Peel Region 2012 Transportation Study found that more than 900,000 daily commuter trips are taken in the Region with a distance of 7Km or less. 81% of these trips are taken by car; only 9% use active transportation. These short-range car trips consume the equivalent of 9 tanker trucks of gasoline and produce 450,000kg of CO2 emissions each day. Converting even a small percentage of these car trips to active transportation would have a positive environmental impact while reducing traffic congestion and improving the health of our community.
Canada’s EcoAction Community Funding to Canada Bikes, is being shared amongst Brampton, Halifax, Montreal and Edmonton to support: “If You Build It, They Will Come; Increasing Cycling, Decreasing Emissions”.

Based in Ottawa, not-for-profit Canada Bikes is the only national organization in Canada dedicated to encouraging commuter, recreational and tourism cycling for all ages, abilities and populations. Through a highly active, representative volunteer board of directors, Canada Bikes engages with provincial/territorial and local volunteer cycling organisations, as well as Indigenous groups, to provide support, leadership, materials, training and best practices as well as networking and mentorship opportunities. Canada Bikes also works with other national stakeholders and partners to make Canada a Cycling Nation. Through their international network, they bring best practices to Canada, to support a significant mode shift to greener, healthier forms of active transportation, thereby contributing to a healthier environment and population.
National Bike Summit
Canada Bikes organized the National Bike Summit in Ottawa May 28-29, 2018, where David Laing presented the Eco-Action Brampton Bike Hub project.

EcoAction National Bike Summit May 28 2018 – presentation slides

Brampton Bike Hub National Bike Summit Poster
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