Peel Bike to School Week in 2018 was the best yet with 165 schools participating. BikeBrampton visited four schools in Brampton, bringing a cycling message of safety and healthy activity. Students were reminded to check over their shoulders before changing lanes and turning, practicing safe REAR VIEW CYCLING.
BikeBrampton was awarded a grant by Ontario Ministry of Transportation‘s Road Safety Challenge to produce and display a Rear View Cycling poster.
Walk + Roll Peel Active Transportation team did a great job of encouraging participation with prizes and bike racks for the schools.

Massey Street Public School kicked off Bike to School Week 2018 early in May by asking BikeBrampton to donate bikes for their Bike Swap. Our EcoAction Brampton Bike Hub has a lending library, with bikes stored at Region of Peel.

Peter Bolton from Mobile Pro Bicycle Service, and a BikeBrampton member, donated his time to repair the 42 bikes that were distributed to children at the Bike Swap.

Massey Street Public School held a “Spring into Health” event at the same time as the Bike Swap.

Parents as well as the kids gathered at our display to learn bike safety messages and to find out about Bike Month events.

St. Leonard Elementary School welcomed BikeBrampton to Bike to School Week 2018 with an assembly in their auditorium. We towed all the display equipment in a trailer behind the bike!

Helmet fitting and safety check at St Leonard Elementary School

Great Lakes Public School had bike safety stations. Each classroom of children rotated through the stations over several hours.

Senior students taught safety tips to junior ones at Great Lakes PS.

The kids were fascinated by our rear view mirrors and wanted to know how they worked.

Great Lakes PS children answer our bike safety questions.

“A rear view mirror lets you see what is approaching from behind and makes it easier to check traffic before passing.”
– Cycling Skills: Ontario’s Guide to Safe Cycling, April 2018

Our Lady of Providence Elementary School invited BikeBrampton to conduct a bike safety assembly for their 650 students to finish off a great Bike to School Week 2018!
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