The Cycling Culture workshop at PEYA EcoBuzz 2015 conference challenged teen environmental leaders to encourage students to cycle to school and around town.
About 300 Peel Environmental Youth Alliance students gathered at Louise Arbour Secondary School on Oct 28, 2015 to participate in various “Sustainability in our Communities” workshops. They explored environmental issues to become inspired to begin student action projects in their schools.
BikeBrampton joined Walk + Roll Peel and Green Communities Canada researcher Katie Wittmann to educate and challenge the student leaders in “Creating a Cycling Culture” workshops.
Katie is adding to her research on active transportation and designing a tool kit that will help with school travel planning amongst older students in Peel.
Walk+Roll Peel and Peel Public Health demonstrated cycling safety tips, conducted a survey and awarded prizes at their booth. Walk+Roll has an interactive School Trip Planner tool on their website that allows anyone in Peel Region to select a walking or biking route to their school. BikeBrampton announced Bike the Creek Jun 18, 2016, encouraged helmet use and handed out Brampton trail maps.

David Laing, Chair of BikeBrampton explained the carbon footprint of the different types of transportation and gave the example of how Pedalwise had introduced a student to a quicker way to get to school:
“GREAT! I now know the way to ride my bike to High School!” (along the Etobicoke Creek trail). “It’ll be faster than my 45min bus ride”.
Peel Environmental Youth Alliance (PEYA) is a network of action-oriented students in Peel Region concerned about environmental issues and determined to make positive change! EcoBuzz is their annual conference.

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