BikeBrampton displayed at Rotary Rib n Roll Brampton on May 24, 2015 in Gage Park.
BikeBrampton members challenged Rotary Rib n Roll Bramptonians to play the MTO Road Safety Challenge game to hone their cycling rules skills and learn about the new Bill 31 Making Ontario’s Roads Safer.

Many cyclists stopped by the BikeBrampton booth to play the game and take the challenge.

Did you know motorist must leave 1 metre of space to safely pass cyclists?

Did you know that cyclists may know legally ride on paved shoulders?

BikeBrampton mascot Oakley as usual, welcomed the rib-eating crowds on this glorious pre-summer day. Families gathered for music, dancing, face painting, buskers, clowns and a great time in Gage Park.
Money raised at the event went to support kids with cancer and Rotary’s other charities. Last year, more than $50,000 was raised. This was the 10th annual event.

BikeBrampton extends thanks to Rotary Brampton for inviting us to participate in this fun community event, and to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation for the Road Safety Challenge grant that paid for the printing of the game we developed.
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