Cycling has come of age as Brampton crowds swarm Brampton Bicycle Advisory Committee Bike Fest Celebrampton booth along Main Street.

Residents gathered at BBAC booth to hear our committee volunteers explain cycling safety tips to the youth and adults of Brampton.
Bicycle Safety Tips for serious commuters and recreational cyclists
Mascot Oakley draws crowds for cycling tips
explaining the Road Safety Challenge for a chance to earn free bicycle safety equipment
explaining correct helmet position
Bike safety posters explained and participants quizzed to identify missing safety equipment on a bicycle to earn a draw ticket
Brampton Cycling Pledge to “Ride my bike” also earns a draw ticket
A draw to take home free bicycle Safety equipment for participants of the Road Safety Challenge.
Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s Road Safety Challenge who provided funding, to Canadian Tire Brampton Trinity Common who provided discounted and some donated bicycle safety equipment for our draw, to Letter Rip Sign & Design who provided our banner printing at a discounted price, and to the City of Brampton for providing the booth & opportunity!
Draw winner selecting the equipment he needs to make his bicycle safe!
Proud draw winner with bicycle headlight!
Another draw winner chooses bike wheel reflectors
Councillor Elaine Moore & BBAC Chair David Laing discuss cycling in Brampton at our booth
Kevin Montgomery, BBAC member displays his Babboe cargo bike and his commuter folding bike — great options for active transportation in Brampton!
Road Safety Challenge ticket holders gather for safety equipment draws
Draw tickets being called. Mascot Oakley arrived in his WIKE bike trailer.
Talk about active transportation…
Overall, an exciting day for the Brampton Bicycle Advisory Committee and all those who participated. Our special thanks to the City of Brampton for organizing this fabulous event!

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