Author: Dayle Laing
smART Ride Contest Winners
BikeBrampton and The Rose Brampton announced contest winners at a virtual YouTube showcase. Winners and the expert panel explained their work.
Trail Etiquette
Cyclists and pedestrians must safely share the trail. Here are tips for user comfort. City of Brampton has prepared these tips. “Brampton is a HEALTHY and SAFE city”.
Second Spring with COVID-19
One year later, we’re into the Second Spring with COVID-19. Congratulations Brampton! We’ve passed the first anniversary of living with a pandemic. The oppression and monotony of last year’s lockdowns made palatable only because we were able to get outside. For exercise, for recreation or merely to get from one place to another, people started walking…
Lock your bike securely
Prevent bike theft by locking your bike frame and front wheel securely. Note your serial number and register with police. As the days get longer and warmer, we will be riding more frequently and longer distances. Bikes are a valuable commodity, especially during the pandemic. They are hard to find at any price and must…
Why we can’t bike in winter
Why Canadians Can’t Bike in the Winter Not Just Bikes video below shows clearly why most Canadians (Bramptonians) don’t bike in winter and how we could. Well worth the watch!
Cycling Chronicles Vol 5
The reason we ride bicycles is different for each cyclist. There is something universal among all cyclists. Bicycles represent freedom. The modern bicycle, the design of which has not significantly changed in over a hundred and forty years, symbolizes the same thing it did in the 1880s. The freedom to travel. This freedom to travel…
BikeBrampton 2020 Review
The year of COVID-19 allowed BikeBrampton to pivot to on-line and outdoor events for our Community Cycling Program, normally offered at Brampton Bike Hubs & Caledon Bike Hubs. See some of the lives we touched and the accomplishments of our Active Transportation advocacy!
Cycling Chronicles Vol 4
Consider the moose. Compared to a human, I mean. Height wise, we are talking 5½-7½ ft (1.7–2.3 m) at the shoulder, ranging in weight from 900 lbs (408 kg) for a mature female to way over a 1,000 lbs (454 kg) for a mature male. Even a female dwarfs a standard horse. This is a…
Bike Lane vs Urban Shoulder
Cycling infrastructure using urban shoulders to provide “safe” area for cycling, car parking and traffic calming is a compromise solution. Lisa Stokes, a BikeBrampton member shot these 2 videos (5 minutes total), to demonstrate how it feels to cycle in a bike lane versus an urban shoulder.
Brampton endorses historic energy plan
Brampton Council endorses historic energy plan, including 7% mode share for active transportation to meet 2041 targets. City of Brampton Council unanimously passed motion to support the Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan (CEERP), and to initiate the creation of Community Centre for Energy Transformation (CCET). This will position Brampton as a community leader in…
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