Join one of four BikeBrampton led bike rides to Earth Day celebration at Norton Place Park on Sat Apr 23rd. People are encouraged to walk, cycle or take public transit to promote environmental sustainability.
Rides leave at 9:15am. Send an email to telling us which ride number below you will be joining.
- Shoppers World Plaza near Tim Hortons, led by George
- Carabram Park at Eagleridge Dr. just s of Cliff Swallow Crt, led by Lisa
- Earnscliffe Recreation Centre, Eastbourne Dr., led by Steve & Cindy
- Loafer’s Lake Recreation Centre, Loafer’s Lake Lane, led by David & Dayle
City of Brampton and Brampton Environmental Alliance’s first Earth Day Environmental Celebration and Grow Green Awards Ceremony will be held Saturday, April 23, at Norton Place Park from 10 am to 2 pm.
This is a public event! Everyone is invited to take part in the festivities as City of Brampton celebrates and showcases community leaders with the Grow Green Awards.
Come out to meet and speak with local environmental groups, such as BikeBrampton, Heart Lake Turtle Troopers, Sierra Club, Community Climate Council, Human Impact Environment, Friends of Dorchester Park, Heart Lake Happenings, Brampton Horticultural Society, and Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). Family-friendly activities are planned during the day including a nature walk, and a kid’s zone.
“Come visit the Heart Lake Turtle Troopers tent and learn what we are doing to protect and monitor the local turtle population. Find out about Ontario’s native and invasive turtle species, how we protect turtle nests and monitor habitats, and interact with our displays. We’ll also have turtle-themed activities in the Kids Zone!”
Explore the park in detail with members of Community Climate Council . “Nature in Norton: Exploring a Hidden Gem in the Heart of Brampton.”
Norton Park represents Brampton in a way; the plants and animals that reside in Norton are as beautifully diverse as the people who call Brampton home. Like Brampton, this exceptional diversity is the strength of this park and marks it as a rare jewel within the City. Come enjoy the wonder of big trees and learn a few nature nuggets about this incredible park!
A light lunch will be provided. There is no cost for lunch, but registration through Eventbrite is required to get your food voucher. Registration will close once maximum capacity is reached.
Important Consideration: this event endeavours to balance community and public safety. For this outdoor event, we aim to maintain physical distancing. City staff and volunteers will be wearing masks and COVID-19 assessments are required at the entrances of the event. Participants are welcome to choose whether or not to wear a mask. At this time, if you are uncomfortable being outdoors with others who do not wear a mask, please do not register. You are welcome to join at a future event.

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