BikeBrampton exhibited at the Peel Environmental Youth Alliance (PEYA) conference at Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School, to encourage middle and secondary school youth to bicycle safely to school.
Despite a significant “snow day” without bus transportation to the conference, the enthusiasm of those who did attend made the day worthwhile. David Laing BikeBrampton Chair, remarked on the students’ interest in the bike safety posters displayed. Their favourites were the “use your head” bike helmet poster, and the mini-poster “I don’t often pass bikes; but when I do, I change lanes”.
They were very interested to hear about our Bike the Creek event on June 21st, and many signed up to receive information on the link for registration.
The Peel Environmental Youth Alliance (PEYA) is a network of action-oriented students in Peel Region concerned about environmental issues and determined to make positive change!

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