“Walk and Roll Peel promotes Peel’s bicycle and pedestrian initiatives and infrastructure as well as the benefits of active transportation. We are committed to getting more people walking and cycling- instead of driving- for everyday trips.”

Walk and Roll Peel is a joint effort between Peel, Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon.
Peel Health and Safety Facts ( Sources below)
- Communities relying on cars for transportation have more obesity.
- Communities that walk, cycle and use public transportation have less obesity.
- In Peel Region, walking and cycling are about 7% of transportation trips while communities in Western Europe are closer to 40%.
- Peel Region has an obesity rate approaching 50%.
- Each day Peel Region residents use cars 987,000 times to travel 7 kilometres or less. That’s like travelling to the moon and back five times every day!
- Every hour of moderate cycling burns 300 calories and adds more than an hour to expected healthy lifetime, that is, lifetime without a major disability.
- People often say they don’t cycle more for transportation because they perceive cycling on the roads as dangerous. Yet the health benefits of cycling exceed traffic risk by a 5 to 1 ratio or more.
- More cycling leads to safer roads with fewer accidents and lower rates of serious injury.
School Travel Planning (STP)
The school travel planning program addresses school traffic-related issues and promotes walking and cycling to school by working with the school community to develop and implement a school travel action plan. Help improve air quality and traffic safety around your school while improving the mental well-being and academic performance of students through increased physical activity. To get your school involved in STP, contact Peel Public Health at PublicHealthSchoolSupport@peelregion.ca
Peel School Trip Planner Map – this is a really cool map. Find your school. The map shows you how far it is to walk or bike from your home, based on walking and cycling distances. For example the pink area around the school is a 0-5 minute walk and 0-2 minute bike ride.
Peel EcoSchools
The Peel District School Board, Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) work together to support schools participating in the EcoSchools certification program. Projects at schools to encourage walking and cycling can help your school earn points towards EcoSchools certification. Check out TRCA’s school active transportation page for helpful resources including videos, activities, and webinars, and find out more about their work to encourage walking and cycling and reduce climate change impacts across the Region.
Peel Children’s Safety Village
The Peel Children’s Safety Village was established to give elementary school children a place where they can practice road safety rules, and reduce the rate of preventable traffic collisions involving children aged one to nine. They offer ongoing pedestrian and school safety workshops for school children throughout the year.

The Peel Cyclists Handbook and The Family Cycling Handbook
Walk and Roll to School: A guide for parents includes tips and information to make walking and rolling to school easier for you and your family. It includes information about the many benefits of walking and rolling to school, a checklist to help teach walking safety skills to your children, and addresses some of the myths that some parents have that prevents them from letting their children walk or bike to school.
The 10 Step Handbook for High School Bike Projects was created to help High School students, teachers, and community members in Peel work together to develop programs that get more young people riding bikes to school and for everyday transportation.
Baseline Classroom Survey Data Entry Tool (Excel file)
Follow Up Classroom Survey Data Entry Tool (Excel file)
Hands Up Classroom Survey
Bike Rodeo Community Kit
The Bike Rodeo Community Kit includes a guide available for download, as well as an equipment kit that is available by request from the Peel Children’s Safety Village. These resources will allow you to organize your own bike rodeo to help young people practice and develop skills that will allow them to cycle safely and with confidence.
Region of Peel Public Health
Peel Public Health’s school health nurses work with schools to bring together administrators, teachers, parents, students and members of the school community to address transportation-related issues and promote walking and cycling to and from school. Contact your school public health nurse to learn more about healthy living, including Active School Travel at your school by e-mailing PublicHealthSchoolSupport@peelregion.ca
Peel Reports
Peel Community Cycling Program Retrospective Analysis, 2022 (2015-2021)
Peel Sustainable Transportation Strategy 2018
Business Case Framework
Mode Share Target Report
Online Consultation Survey Summary
Peel Sustainable Transportation Strategy, Active Transportation Implementation Plan 2018 – 2022
Peel Transportation Demand Management Implementation Plan 2018 – 2022
Peel Pedalwise Pilot Program Results, 2015
Peel Community Based Active Transportation Project Final Report, TCAT 2016
Peel Active Transportation Plan Implementation Strategy, 2014 Program Update
Peel Region GPS Cycling Study – conducted in 2013
New Active Transportation Infrastructure 2014 Projects
Peel Active Transportation Plan 2012
Other Links and Resources
Metrolinx Stepping It Up Pilot Project Final Report, 2012
Teaching Children to Cycle Safely
Walking with Children
Active and Sustainable School Transportation Strategy Roadmap Report
Active and Sustainable School Transportation, Barriers and Enablers – Metrolinx, 2013
The Bike to School Project, a Case Study, Katie Wittmann, 2014
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
Ontario EcoSchools
Peel District School Board
Peel Environmental Youth Alliance (PEYA)
School Crossing Guards – Brampton
School Crossing Guards – Mississauga
School Walking Route Program – Brampton
Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR)
School Travel in Peel Region, A Report on Trends – Smart Commute, 2016
School Travel in the GTHA, A Report on Trends – Smart Commute, 2016
[“Evidence on Why Bike-Friendly Cities Are Safer for All Road Users”, Wesley E. Marshall, Norman W. Garrick, Environmental Practice 13 (1) March 2011]
[“Safety in numbers: more walkers and bicyclists, safer walking and bicycling”, P.L.Jacobsen, Journal of Injury Prevention, 2003;9:3 205-209]
[Professor John Pucher, “City Cycling”, MIT Press]
[2008 Ontario Health Study]
[2009-2012 Peel Long-range Transportation Study]
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