
Biking in Brampton
Builds our Community

We have an action item that you might be interested in participating in.

Presentation: Active Transportation Master Plan!

The next Planning & Development Committee agenda for September 23, 2019 is available, and features a presentation on the Active Transportation Master Plan!

Nelson Cadete, Project Manager, Active Transportation, Transportation Planning, Planning and Development Services, will present a report and presentation on the Active Transportation Master Plan.

Link to Presentation

Overview of Report

The 2015 update of the Brampton Transportation Master Plan recommended that the City develop a comprehensive active transportation master plan to include information and recommendations on policies, programming, design standards and infrastructure, and to identify an implementation strategy.

The Brampton 2040 Vision calls for transportation and connectivity to be “a mosaic of safe, integrated transportation choices and new modes, contributing to civic sustainability, and emphasizing walking, cycling and transit.”

Supporting the Vision, the Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) states that “Through developing an integrated, attractive, and accessible system of sidewalks, cycling facilities and trails, Brampton will be a liveable city where all members of the community can safely and conveniently access places, goods and services and connect to transit using active modes of transportation.”

This report seeks Council’s endorsement of the Active Transportation Master Plan recommendations which are organized around the themes of “Connecting the Network,” “Design for Safety and Comfort,” “Providing Yearround Mobility,” and Developing a Walking and Cycling Culture.”

The proposed 2041 active transportation network has been costed at a value of approximately $126.6M. The resources and funding required to implement the ATMP will be identified and considered as part of the annual Capital Budgeting process, pending Council approval.

Funding of $4.9M is available for this initiative in the 2019 Capital Budget in support of Active Transportation project implementation.

If you are able, please attend this meeting to show your support for changing the face of transportation in Brampton!

Thanks for taking action.

Please share this email to anyone else that you think would also care about this matter, and also to your social media channels.

Thanks again!
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